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Emotion Regulation Online Group

When we think we are being threatened in some way, the oldest part of our brain, the amygdala, send a message to our body to get ready to fight or run. This is known as our "fight or flight" response, and it makes our heart beat fast, our muscles tense up, etc. It prepares the body to react before we can think about what we're doing. The newest part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, is our "brake system." It's the part of our brain that says, "Wait, if you do this, what might happen? Will you regret it?" The prefrontal cortex calms us down and gives us time to make responsible choices.

The purpose of the emotion regulation group is to train your prefrontal cortex, your brake system, to kick into gear immediately after your amygdala is triggered to fight or run, so that you can avoid doing something that is damaging to yourself or others. The more you practice using your emotion regulation tools, the more control you will have over your emotions!

Benefits of Regulating Your Emotions

★ Understand and Manage Anger

★Increase Empathy

★Learn Assertive Communication     & Listening Skills

★Increase Emotional Intelligence

★Learn Stress Management

★Counter Angry Thoughts

★Identify Healthy versus         

   Unhealthy Beliefs

★Develop Healthy Relational Skills

Improve Your Mood

Green Goodness

Nutritional and Integrative Health for Improving Your Mood

As a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider I aim to restore mental and physical health naturally to my clients

& Resources
Fresh & Fiber
Jicama Salad
Jicama is high in fiber and vitamin C. Fiber has been linked to brain health. Fiber provides "soil" for the microbiome garden" of the colon and allows healthy bacteria to grow. 
                            >Read More
Hearty Breakfast
Breakfast Quinoa Bowl
Feeling full to start your morning can help you be more focused on your tasks at hand. 
                            >Read More
Eating to Sleep
Nurture your sleep through eating
Scientists are saying that eating oats in the evening before bed is highly beneficial to a good nights sleep! 
                            >Read More

Central Israel

Animal Assisted-Therapy

Animal-Assisted Therapy incorporates horses and dog into a patient's goal-directed therapeutic activity under the supervision of a licensed therapist. The sessions are documented in the patient's record.


 is an important aspect of resilience

As a tree blows in the wind, and as the wind becomes stronger blowing the tree, the tree will bend to accommodate the wind or else it will break. When the wind stops, the tree resumes its original upright state. This elasticity is an important aspect of resilience: A stressor disrupts a person’s normal state of functioning, but when the stressor passes, the person eventually resumes his or her normal or pre-stressor level of functioning. Some people are slow to resume normal functioning but are still resilient relative to a person who never recovers (Lepore & Revenson). 



*New Online Skills Groups coming soon!


Q: My partner/ friend would like to attend the anger management classes with me. Can s/he come to the anger management intake appointment with me?

Partners and family members cannot be in the same emotion regulation class together. There are many reasons for this policy. Your partner may, however, attend other emotion regulation  classes through our program. 


Q: Does Anger Management 818 offer a sliding scale for emotion regulation classes?

To help accommodate participants with financial concerns, our emotion regulation group offers classes at a low-fee rate of $30/session (drop-in) ($20/session for 10 weeks paid up front) versus the $40 regular class rate.


Q: How long before I can see results in my behavior?

Emotion regulation counselors will suggest at least 26 sessions of Anger Management classes for results to be practiced and noticeable. The results will also depend on whether you are practicing the anger management skills learned in class outside of class. Some participants have reported a change within a few weeks, so this will depend on whether or not you are practicing the skills learned in your anger management classes.



Q: Do you offer individual emotion regulation sessions, or executive coaching?

Yes, we do offer executive coaching at all of our locations. You would have the option of working with a licensed clinician/certified anger management counselor. This is a great option for anonymity, and for those who do not feel comfortable in a group setting. In addition, the program will be customized to your needs.


Q: What if I miss a class, can I make it up?

Yes, there will be one make up class after the 10 weeks is complete. If you miss more than one class you can attend the new group which starts following the 10 weeks. 


Q: How do I know if I need emotion regulation?

Emotion regulation is helpful if you are having difficulty controlling your temper, or are having angry outbursts that lead to significant problems with the law, at work, at school, or in public situations such as driving. Of course there are different levels of anger. If someone has complained to you about your anger, then that’s an indicator that you may need to look into receiving anger management help.


Q: Will anger management classes help me to never be angry again?

Anger is a basic human emotion and it is unrealistic to expect to never feel anger. emotion regulation classes are not designed to eliminate anger; however, they teach you effective skills to help manage your anger in both healthy and appropriate ways.


Q: Is anger management a form of therapy?

Our emotion regulation program is not used for therapy; rather it is used for coaching and learning different tools and techniques to manage and prevent aggressive behavior.


Q: Can cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) help with emotion regulation?Many of the methods used in anger management classes lean on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT teaches people to evaluate the underlying thoughts creating strong emotions, and help to retrain people to avoid needless and untrue thoughts that have predicted behavior in the past. Moving away from black and white thinking to a stance of considering a multiple range of interpretations may prove useful in helping to quell anger or learning to express it in different ways.

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© 2020 by Esther Adams Aharony, Strides to SolutionsEmuna Builders

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