Videos On Demand
Lift your energy with tapping! Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body's energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body's own energy.
Tapping is evidence based! There are over 50 peer-reviewed papers that report or investigate clinical outcomes following the tapping of acupuncture points to address psychological issues.
*Disclaimer: These videos are not intended to treat or diagnose any type of mental illness or disease.
Lifting Your Energy
Reduce stress by using autogenics! Autogenics (AT) is an evidence-based mind-body relaxation technique that’s been around for 80 years. Autogenic means “self-generated” or “self-regulated.” Autogenic training teaches your body to respond to your commands. You use it to gain control over body functions that you normally have no control over, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, body temperature, and breathing (1, 2).
*Disclaimer: These videos are not intended to treat or diagnose any type of mental illness or disease.